Account Set Up

Set up a Reliable Equipment Rental Account
This application is for the purpose of obtaining COMMERCIAL CREDIT and is warranted by Applicant to be true, correct, and complete in all respects. Reliable Equipment Rental, Inc. (Company) is hereby authorized to investigate the references listed, and obtain additional credit information from third parties (including but not limited to credit reporting agencies.) Applicant has received and agrees to the terms and conditions detailed in the Reliable Equipment Rental, Inc. Statement of Business Policy. Company may amend this Statement of Business Policy from time to time, with a current version provided to applicant upon request. Upon credit approval, Applicant agrees to payment terms of DUE ON RECEIPT. Any past due invoice is subject to a charge of 1 ½ % per month (18% annual rate), plus all costs of collection, including but not limited to attorney fees if collection becomes necessary. Invoices 15 days past due will result in order(s) being placed on hold pending account payment to a current basis. Applicant warrants that Applicant is not currently under the jurisdiction of a bankruptcy court. Applicant agrees to immediately notify Company in writing should Applicant initiate bankruptcy proceedings, or have any significant change in business operations or ownership. The below name signatory represents the he/she is an owner, or officer of Applicant, and that he/she is duly authorized by Applicant to bind Applicant to the terms of this agreement. In the event that Applicant defaults on this Agreement, the signatory to the Agreement represents and warrants that he/she will be personally responsible and liable for immediate payment in full, upon demand, of all amounts due including any interest charges and costs of collection.
Submission of this application online is accepted as written. User understands that they are equally bound by the laws of the State of Georgia whether digital or written.
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